Greening the Islands
Transforming islands through appropriate
sustainability measures
About Us Our Services
Supporting Island Resilience
Utilizing appropriate technologies and practices to
build resilience for communities in the face of
climate change, natural disasters and other global
About Us Our Services
Climate Friendly Policies
About Us
By implementing the right policies, countries
can cushion the impacts of climate change.
Our Services
Thriving Blue Economies
About Us
Custodians of the biggest ocean on the
planet, Pacific nations rely on healthy ocean
ecosystems for economic growth, food security
and natural capital.
Our Services
Private Sector Sustainability
There are many ways that the private sector could
contribute to the achievement of the SDGs, and
doing so while transitioning to a green business
model without impacting their bottom line.
About Us Our Services

Welcome to
Sustainable Development Management Solutions

Sustainable Development Management Solutions was established to provide clients with support in actioning their sustainability efforts, provide strategic management solutions and implementation planning. It strives to achieve goals through innovative approaches. Its areas of intervention include the Green Economy, Natural Resource Management, Climate Change and Sustainable Energy & Transport. Please download our brochure.

Services We Provide. Your Strategic Partner

Strategic Management

We support organisations with their management needs to ensure maximum benefits for their investment.

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Actioning Sustainability Efforts

People everywhere are demanding greater environmental and social responsibility from their governments

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Implementation Planning

We provide support to projects to help them overcome any difficulties they may face in any part of the project cycle.

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Areas Of Intervention Achieving goals through innovative approaches

Green Economy

Governments and businesses are struggling to transition to a Green Economy. We help build strategies and action plans to aid in this transition as seamlessly as possible, ensuring least disruption to citizens and clients.

Sustainable Energy & Transport

As countries transition to cleaner energy and transport technologies, being an essential climate mitigation measure, we can help you produce robust plans that make this change happen without experiencing severe economic disruption.


Natural Resource Management

The Covid-19 pandemic has taught us the importance of becoming self-reliant and self-sustainable. This is a challenge for small island countries that requires us to maximize the use of our natural resources while ensuring this is done sustainably. We can help you achieve  that important balance.

Climate Action

Without any doubt, climate change is the greatest development challenge of our time. We can help you prepare to meet this challenge by supporting both your mitigation and adaptation efforts, and achieve your nationally determined contributions.


While we're managing your sustainability initiatives,
you can continue focusing on your core business.


  • A Bamboo Agribusiness Compendium for the Pacific

    A Bamboo Agribusiness Compendium for the Pacific was published by PARDI 2 (Pacific Agribusiness Research in Development Initiative 2) late last year.

    This is an important addition to the scarce bamboo related literature from the Pacific.

    The compendium is divided into six easy-to-follow modules:

    1. Before you start;

    2. Establishing your bamboo plantation or agroforest;

    3. Planning your bamboo nursery business;

    4. Mixed bamboo smallholder farming business;

    5. Production of bamboo charcoal and biochar; and

    6. Bamboo markets and marketing.

    This Compendium provides an insight into bamboo… the varieties of bamboo species suited to the Pacific Islands for different uses, and highlights issues to consider before embarking on bamboo farming and agribusiness. It contains an overview of what is needed to establish a smallholder bamboo plantation or agroforest. It also provides advice on planning a bamboo nursery business with all the information that is needed to develop such a business in the Pacific Islands.

    Another section of the Compendium focuses on the development of a mixed farming business that could produce edible shoots and timber/poles from two bamboo species in Fiji. There is also a case study on the production of charcoal and biochar from bamboo as a commercially-promising and environmentally friendly business. Finally the Compendium provides advice on how to capitalise on the market opportunities for bamboo, including the different value chains in which bamboo products could be sold.

    The Compendium was written by Lex Thomson, a veteran forester in the Pacific, with contributions from Mark Borg and Soko Sukulu.

    As the Compendium observes, bamboos offer considerable potential for rural development in the South Pacific. Pacific islands countries need to realise the potential of this green resource and put in place policies to support this industry. This compendium is an important tool for entrepreneurs who want to embark on this journey.

    One can download the Compendium here.

    October 1, 2022
  • Mangroves – the habitat of hope.

    Mangrove ecosystems are found in the coastal areas of most tropical countries. In recent years conservation organisations have been able to raise the profile of mangroves for people to stop considering them as just swamps.

    October 1, 2022
  • Seaweed – the Ocean’s gift

    As custodians of the biggest ocean on the planet, Pacific Island nations are on the front-line of the Blue Economy challenge and rely on healthy ocean ecosystems for economic growth, food security and natural capital.

    October 1, 2022
  • Private Sector Sustainability

    As world leaders gathered in New York in 2015 and endorsed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), many in the private sector had little idea how these will affect them or what their role would be to achieve these global goals.

    October 1, 2022
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